Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Episode 2:: April 2006

The Charger Comment Episode 2 is now online. Click here to listen.

This month's episode features:

Spring Report
Billy Kanitz:Cadillac High Salutatorian
The apparent divide between some students and student-athletes link

Ms. Tealizzy's disdain for alumni : from her blog Over Afternoon Tea, July 13, 2005: "Ooh, and let's not forget the alum possibilities. Yes, Hillsdale is a respected school NOW. But it was a party school before George Roche got his hands on it; made it into Playboy's Top Ten list. The alumni don't really belong on the current campus; most of them have drunk what brains they had into mush. The school has come to an agreeable standoff: they come in once or twice a year, we treat them to a tour, then segregate them into their own private little tents and Arnn toasts them till they (and did I mention he) are thoroughly shnockered. Then we pick their pockets and send them off home. But I certainly wouldn't want that lot interfering with studies more than one or two weekends a year."
Click here to leave a comment and let Tealizzy know what you think! Especially you stupid and drunk alums!

Mythbusters: Hillsdale College, former top Playboy party school: link
Dodgeball Champions
2006 HC Dodgeball Champions: J. Urban, DL Andy
Dion, WR Aaron Scholl, Jono Smith, QB Mark Nicolet, and Tyler Winn

Photo courtesy of Myles Sandrian